Monday, August 31, 2009

tree art

This is a picture that I have been wanting to do for a long time for the girl's room and i love how it turned out! It is made with 5 separate canvases, 1 8X10, 2 11X14, 1 14X18, and one 12X12 canvas.

kennedy jewel cox

my sweet friend welcomed her long-awaited little girl to the world on Saturday, August 29. This is hanging in her nursery! Kennedy means strength and jewel means joy. I googled those two meanings in my esv and found this verse. so fun!

door banners

These are some door banners that I have been doing for our moms. They have all of the kids handprints on them! So fun. I will be posting some more soon that don't have handprints but could be for anyone!

I did this for Clay's cousin who is a freshman at aTm this semester!
j is for jessica!

jess, hope you have a great year!

I can't paint without all of the kids wanting to dive right in and I can hardly keep everything from having acrylic paint on it. Their little hands, all 6 of them... (emmy hasn't figured out how to get in the middle of it all yet....) move so darn fast! Ellie and I did this painting together. I took the painting she did and used it to cut the letters for Jake's name out of. I thought it turned out pretty darn cute!

Here is a sweet picture of Jake with Ellie! He is such a cute baby and I cant wait to see him again!

kelsey goes to ACU

our sweet babysitter left for ACU this summer! The kids are already missing her and so am I!

I painted this for her dorm room!


Carrie, Ali and Emmett were in town this summer for about a month in between their move from boulder, CO to San Fran, CA. I hated to see them go. We had lots of fun hanging out and the kids had a great time together. Here they are eating sno cones...

Soooo cute!